Do you have a link to the list of the 120 firms affiliated with #FTX filing for bankruptcy?
JUST IN: 120 firms affiliated with #FTX are filing for bankruptcy.
not good news about #Grayscale
That's not good news from Grayscale and something which most ppl would be highly suspect about, especially with all the recent fraud and ponzi schemes. All crypto places should be required to show proof of reserves, imo.
Sorry, not able to seperate it to any degree at all. We believe the entire crypto space is heavily intertwined and connected in various ways with vast amounts of corruption, ponzi schemes, fraud, pumping, lies and worthless tokens and projects.
That's very good advertising for TastyWorks brokerage.
Let us know ASAP what was said. Thanks for your work investigating these crypto ponzi schemes, frauds, crooks & dishonest liars including recently BlockFi who lied on Twitter implying things are ok and saying funds are available on Nov 11 when in-fact frozen on Nov 10.
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Sadly, we have the same issue but even worse since our ACH was initiated LAST WEEK!
Funds have arrived after 5 days so no complaint. Must have been a delay caused by issues with the platform.
This seems significantly worse vs the 2008 economy & real estate collapse, imo. It's amazing how the stock market is somehow doing so well. @PeterSchiff is now saying it's not a crypto winter but it's a crypto extinction and he may be right. Crypto winter or crypto extinction?
BAD NEWS. Gemini Exchange Gemini-dot-com website is down! Went there because of concern about small ACH ordered end of last week and odd delay in funds arriving. Usually a 2 to 3 days process, never taking all this time from anyone. Another one bites the dust? #geminiexchange
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I think we agree on that but confused on why blockchain will survive if the crypto industry goes down?
This news makes both Binance and the entire Crypto space look real bad. Who wants to trust a crypto firm who routinely violates the Iran regime well-deserved U.S. sanctions law? Why does CZ want to do that?
“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us; there's a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.”
Was curious how new Nano BTC & Nano ETH by Coinbase Derivatives was doing but unable to find any trading activity on Nov/Dec contracts? Not sure about its significance however unless it's an error or bug it may be more evidence Crypto space is going down, or trouble at Coinbase?
Here's a link to Tom Brady FTX flame-thrower TV commercial:
good luck. What is your URL there? P.S. Astronomy, Domains and Trading are my 3 favorite subjects so you have 2/3 covered.
We recognize, given the current market conditions, that this delay is less than ideal.
BlockFi will remain fully operational on 11/11 and all crypto transactions, including withdrawals, will
continue as normal.
As always,
is available to answer any questions.
So why did you lie saying BlockFi will be fully operational on Nov 11 when about the same time you posted that false info on 11-10 you froze my account so my small Nov 10 eth withdrawal failed & also stopped blackfi crypto rewards credit card cash withdrawal & shut-down the card?
Amidst all the commotion around FTX, most people have missed this bombshell Reuters article exposing Binance's actions in helping Iranian firms trade $8B despite sanctions. This is the news that CZ hopes you won't read.
Saying the "safety and security of users and funds remains the priority" makes me feel uncomfortable because that's what BlockFi (and others) said was in-fact the primary reason given for freezing customer funds, so by announcing that, to me is more of a negative vs a positive.
The name of a country dot-com domain is available for acquisition. Typical values for a dot-com name of a nation are well over $1,000,000. This is a rare opportunity to buy a country domain name for less than $1-million USD. Here's a link to its web-page: