WAE (when actually employed) — See INTERMITTENT
WAGE AREA — A geographical area within which a
single set of regular wage schedules is applied uniformly
by Federal installations to the covered occupations under
the Federal Wage System.
WAGE EMPLOYEES — Also called Federal wage employees
or prevailing rate employees. These employees are in trades,
crafts, or labor occupations is fixed and adjusted from
time-to-time in accordance with prevailing rates.
WC (Without Compensation) — Under certain circumstances,
an agency may be authorized to appoint an employee to
provide services to the government without pay.
WITHIN-GRADE INCREASE (WGI) — Is an increase in
employee's rate of basic pay by advancement from one step
of his or her grade to the next after meeting requirements
for length of service and performance.
WORK SCHEDULE — The time basis on which an employee
is paid. A work schedule may be full-time, part-time,
or intermittent.
WORK SITE — of the employee is the place where
he or she works, or at which the employee's activities
are based, as determined by the employing agency.