GM WITHIN-GRADE INCREASE — is an agency-awarded increase in basic rate of pay, with no change in grade, to an employee who is covered under the Performance Management and Recognition System termination provisions of Public Law 103-89. GRADE — A level of work or range of difficulty, responsibility and qualification requirements.
GRADE RESTORATION ACTION — An action taken to restore to an employee the grade held prior to a grade reduction that was effective during the retroactive period of title VIII of the Civil Service Reform Act. The grade restoration action recorded the employee's retained grade in the OPM's data system.
GRADE RETENTION ACTION — An action to retain the grade held by an employee prior to a grade reduction that was effective during the retroactive period of title VIII of the Civil Service Reform Act. The grade retention action documented the employee's step in the retained grade and the rate of basic pay to which he or she was entitled.
GRADE RETENTION ENTITLEMENT — The right of an employee to retain for 2 years, for pay and benefits purposes, the grade of the position from which he or she was reduced.