SEVERANCE PAY — Sum of money (based on last the Armed Forces. The Department of Defense is salary, length of service, and age) which is responsible for administering and defining military employee may be paid when separated involuntarily discharges from an agency, such as during a reduction in force.
SEPARATION-APPT IN (name of entity) — is a separation results from misconduct or if the separation when an employee leaves a Federal employee is eligible for an immediate (retirement) agency to accept employment with a non-Federal annuity. Government entity that takes over his or her Federal functions AND the employee will continue to receive Federal benefits. SON (SUBMITTING OFFICE NUMBER) — A number that was assigned by OPM to identify an SEPARATION-US (uniformed services) (formerly Central Personnel Data File (CPDF). The SON was called Separation–MIL) is a separation action replaced by the POI (Personnel Office Identifier.) initiated by an agency when the employee enters on duty with the uniformed services and provides SPECIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. SPECIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE — An written notice of intent not to return to a position of employee who is appointed to work for a period not employment with the agency or elects to be to exceed 130 days during any period of 365 days, separated in lieu of placement in a leave without pay. SPECIAL PAY ADJUSTMENT for LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS — is an additional payment made to a law enforcement officer whose official duty station is in one of eight special pay areas defined in section 404 of the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990. SPECIAL SALARY RATES — Salary rates higher than the regular statutory schedule. The President establishes these higher pay rates for occupations in which private enterprise is paying substantially more than the regular Government schedule and this salary gap significantly handicaps the Government's recruitment or retention of well-qualified persons. STANDARD FORM 50 (also called "SF50") — Notification of Personnel Action. The Standard Form 50 is completed by the personnel or administrative office to which appointing authority has been delegated, and is used to notify the employee and the payroll office, and to record the action in the employee's Official Personnel Folder. STANDARD FORM 52 (also called a "SF52") — Request for Personnel Action. Is used by operating officials or supervisors to request personnel actions and to secure internal agency clearance of requests for personnel action. Employees use the Standard Form 52 to request leave without pay or a name change and to notify the agency of their intent to resign or retire. STATUS EMPLOYEE — One who has completed the probationary period under the career-conditional employment system. Also known as an employee with competitive status. STATUS QUO EMPLOYEE — An employee who failed to acquire competitive status when the position in which he or she was serving was placed in the competitive service by a statute. STEP — The step of the pay plan under which an employee is paid. For example, step 2 of GS 7; step 1 of WG 5. STEP ADJUSTMENT — A change in the step of the grade at which the employee is serving without a change in the employee's rate of basic pay. SUBSTANTIALLY CONTINUOUS SERVICE — Federal civilian service which continued without break or interruption; a period of service from which time off the agency's rolls was not deducted or subtracted from employee's total period of service. SUPERIOR QUALIFICATIONS APPOINTMENT — Placement of a person in a hard-to-recruit-for position at a pay rate above the minimum based on the applicant's unique or unusually high qualifications, a special government need for applicants' services and the fact applicants' present salary or salary offerings are higher than the minimum rate of the grade level to which the applicant can be appointed. SUPERVISORY DIFFERENTIAL — The annual total dollar amount paid, over and above basic pay, to a General Schedule supervisor who otherwise would be paid less than one or more of the civilian employees supervised. SUSPENSION — Placement of an employee in a temporary non-pay and non-duty status (or absence from duty) for disciplinary reasons or other reasons pending an inquiry.