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The Webtrading Special Report for Today
is About the Top Markets to Trade for Lasting Success and How to Make Money by Trading the Best Markets. In addition, please look at our unique Webtrading Gann Trading Course → →

Both Traders and Brokers often say forex futures and currencies are the "best markets" for "web trading" and also learning how to trade using a superb "web trading platform" and trading system because of high liquidity by being by far the largest financial market in the world, with long trading hours for easy trade entry & trade exit
Go-here for "Webtrading" trader resources with a mission helping traders make money trading forex, futures, options, stocks & cryptocurrencies.
With that said, both crypto trading and forex futures trading involve significant high-risk, thus in addition to trading crypto-currencies, altcoins and forex, traders should consider trading other markets. The top-20 futures-markets were recently the markets below...
The 21-markets are ranked based on recent liquidity; S&P 500 E-Mini (CME), E-Mini Nasdaq-100 (CME), 10-Year T-Notes (CBOT), Russell 2000 E-Mini (CME), Ultra T-Bond (CBOT), 5 Year T-Notes (CBOT), Crude Oil (NYMEX), NASDAQ 100 E-Mini (CME), T-Bonds (CBOT), Ultra 10-Year T-Notes (CBOT), 2 Year T-Notes (CBOT), Soybeans (CBOT), Euro FX (CME), Gold (COMEX), S&P 500 VIX (CFE), Soybean Meal (CBOT), Corn (CBOT), Natural Gas (NYMEX), Silver (COMEX), Dow Futures Mini (CBOT), Eurodollar (CME). The highest liquidity futures market (non-crypto) to trade continues to be the E-Mini-S&P as in prior years.
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For example, if you are trading a 10k account and want to lower your account risk of loss we recommend you risk no more than 1% as a stop-loss order. That's a $100 stop which can get quickly wiped-out by a large wick, thus suddenly making the trade a loss.

Wicks reflect the lowest and highest prices the market traded at over that time period, including the body area, with the wicks being moves made beyond the 'body; which makes a line above and below the candlestick body. Of course, candlesticks can be any length, with 1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 1-hour, 4-hour and daily being popular.
The 1-hr bars MNQ chart shows 2 large wick hours which could have stopped out both longs and shorts going back 21-hrs from the recent big wick and one more big wick going back 11-hrs. Thats 33-hrs of trading where just two 1-hr bars would have more than likely stopped-out reasonable risk traders with losses. Look at chart below...

The above new list of top-markets has changed to a degree since we last checked market liquidity a few years ago. At that time the top-10 futures markets were these; E-Mini S&P (GLBX), 10-Year T-Notes (CBOT), Crude Oil (NYMEX), T-Bonds (CBOT). Ultra T-Bond (CBOT), 5 Year T-Notes (CBOT), Euro FX (CME), E-Mini Nasdaq-100 (GLBX), Gold (COMEX), Natural Gas (NYMEX). The markets were ranked based on futures liquidity, with the best liquidity futures being the #-1 ranked E-Mini-S&P.

A more manageable size, lower margin, reduced risk and diversified 8-market portfolio which we personally like (and our trading systems prefer) ranked in order of best liquidity consists of these markets: E-Mini S&P-500, 10-Year Notes (CBOT=10), Crude Oil (NYMX=1), Ultra T-Bonds (CBOT=2), Gold (COMEX=4), Corn (CBOT=5), Soybeans (CBOT=3) and the lowest liquidity (but still qualifies as a recommended market) Live Cattle (CME=4) .
In addition, we are now suggesting you trade a relatively new exciting Cryptocurrency Market (recommended portfolio, market #9) Micro Bitcoin Futures (CME-GLBX Symbol MBT). Micro Bitcoin entails far less risk vs a full-size Bitcoin Futures contract (see latest Bitcoin price below) because it's 1/50th its size. Both volume and liquidity looks good.
Regarding trading Cryptocurrency Markets. Crypto trading is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. We suggest you consider trading Bitcoin the #-1 ranked CryptoCuurency Market, or Dogecoin. There's more info on Trading Doge here.

Of course, financial markets have different short-term and long-term price ranges, price volatility, contract sizes and tick values. That results in somewhat mixed P&L results based on one single contract being traded.
Therefore, to level the playing field an estimated number of contracts to trade are shown (next to exchange name above) to achieve approximately equal dollar profit.
The P&L equalizing number of contracts is based on the maximum possible price change seen over past few years vs contract values. For example, trading 1 Crude Oil (NYMX=1) contract per signal, is comparable in profits and losses incurred over time vs trading 5 contracts of Corn (CBOT=5) for each trade entry signal.
As a side-note, some of the more difficult futures markets to trade with typical lower liquidity, combined with potential erratic price behavior and subsequent higher risk trading are Coffee, Sugar, Orange Juice, Cotton, Platinum, Chinese Yuan (and several other currencies), Silver and Heating Oil. P.S. That's a more or less subjective list based to a degree on the Editor's opinion.
More about trading fx currencies; Forex futures robot testing web-sites have been testing robot after robot to find one which really works.
As far as we know, upon their testing not even one automated forex robot has ever been found which actually worked in real-time trading (without the benefit of 20-20 hindsight) for traders looking for ways to successfully trade currency markets.
We have now come to a conclusion none of the forex robots really work or perform consistently on their own. It seems most don’t do much more than sooner or later wiping out your account balance.
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Notice: There is a high risk of loss in trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.