Please do not be misled by other web-firms selling COA's issued by various sites but NOT issued under the official name of - our name is the one and only recognized industry term offering COA's under the genuine name! P.S. The blue cert website example graphic is NOT how your authenticity certificate will look, also will not have multiple lines of text other than a short but concise authenticity of your product/service - all you need and where the true COA value is!

"We are the Authorized Issuer of "Certificate of Authenticity"
Create professional-looking "COA's" Instantly with
ready-made templates for only $29.95

Certificates of Authenticity, also known as a COA,
are Absolutely Invaluable ...

sale price for COA

A Certificate of Authenticity will Certify your Product or Item as being Genuine & Authentic

On Sale Today - ONLY $24.95 - Order the Certificate of Authenticity Templates 1-year membership. Certificate of Authenticity Templates will Certify your Products or Items as Genuine and Authentic ... $24.95

Certificates of Authenticity, also known as C.O.A.'s
are Absolutely Invaluable to Own!

Probably the most well-known of the many Certificate's of Authenticity in use is the Microsoft® COA version. It usually comes attached to the software box. It's an official looking holographic type of Certificate, which guarantees the software is authentic and not pirated or counterfeit.

Below we have reprinted common questions and answers on use of a popular (example) COA, the certificate of authenticity used by Microsoft® Corporation.

Please note: We are nor selling a Microsoft® COA. Microsoft® uses their own design COA which looks nothing like our COA's. In fact, Microsoft® Corp does not own a U.S. Trademark on the generic term "Certificate Of Authenticity" or own the internet name which we in fact own!

This is an article written about the MS Certificate Of Authenticity, and its use.

Question: I can't find the Microsoft® Certificate of Authenticity previously located on the front cover of the Microsoft® operating system owners manual?

A Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity may now be located on the chassis of your PC, and/or with MS Windows®.

Certificate of Authenticity may now be located on the chassis of your PC.

What is the certificate of authenticity used for?

Please refer to the website.

Extracted from the Microsoft® web site:
" The Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is a security certificate that accompanies all Microsoft products distributed by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

A COA is used to assure the end-user and consumer a software program is not counterfeit. For instance, if you purchased a computer system from a computer store and it came with Windows® operating system software pre-installed on its hard disk, the "Certificate of Authenticity should also be included"

Product ID (Windows 9x/Windows NT) or Product-Key (Windows 2000) written on the Certificate of Authenticity may be requested during the Operating system installation.

What is the difference between a product key and a product ID?

Product key is for Windows 2000.
Product ID is for Windows NT and Windows 9x.

They may be required during Operating System installation. It is strongly recommended that you write down this information and store it in a safe place (in case the COA sticker gets damaged).

Is Certificate of Authenticity linked to an OS version (Service Pack, etc.)?

No. Certificate of Authenticity is attached to the Windows Operating System (Widows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4, Windows 2000, etc...), not to the version of the OS.
Please note that even if the Windows 98 COA mentions Windows 98 Second Edition, it also applies for Windows 98 First Edition.

Is a Certificate of Authenticity valid for any language?

A Certificate of Authenticity is valid for all nations and languages.

» Click for information on custom design "COA"


» More Info on COA

» COA Article

Below read actual Certificate of Authenticity uses as reported in-the-media...

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-1

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-2

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-3

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-4

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-5

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-6

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-7

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-8

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-9

» COA Use reported in the news media, Page-10