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The Federal Government may seem big and confusing. Use these links to learn more about different parts of our government. You'll also learn some fun facts. Did you know President Harrison had a pet goat? One day the goat ran away and President Harrison had to chase him down Pennsylvania Avenue! You've GOAT to be KIDding!
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Government NetSites for Kids
American Treasures of the Library of Congress - A guide to some of the "treasures" in the Library of Congress. Check out Thomas Jefferson's handwritten draft of the Declaration of Independence.
Ben's Guide to US Government for Kids - This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, and much more.
CIA's Homepage for Kids - Take a look at the history of information gathering and the intelligence field. Try your skills at breaking a secret code, test your geography skills, or take a virtual tour of the CIA.
Cool Stuff for Young People - This VA site is full of information about those who have fought for our country, the origins of Veterans Day, the countrys most familiar symbols, customs and observances, and more.
Enactment of a Law - Library of Congress site about the steps to enact a law in the U.S. Government.
Fact Finder Kids' Corner - Learn about the U.S. Census, get facts about your state, and have fun with quiz questions.
First Ladies of the United States - They came from different social and economic backgrounds, from many different geographical regions, and with diverse education preparation. Each First Lady served our country well and each left her own mark. Visit this site to learn more about them.
Government Netsites for Kids in Spanish - Take a look at what the Government has to offer kids in Spanish. Here you will find fun games, science, technology and health information, and much more ... all in Spanish!
Kids in the House - Explore the role the Office of the Clerk plays in the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn about the legislative process and its effect on you.
Kids Information on Deployment Stuff (K.I.D.S) - You can find all kinds of information to use when you or your parents move around the world. Click on your grade level and come on in!
Kids Page - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is a law enforcement agency within the U.S. Department of Justice. Its unique responsibilities include protecting the public and reducing violent crime. ATF enforces the Federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol and tobacco diversion, firearms, explosives, and arson.
Law-4-Kids - Here is an introduction to questions you may have about our legal system.
Our World - The Library of Congress web site shares its collections, stories, online collections and more for students and teachers.
Presidents of the United States - The biographies of the presidents give us a clear look into the highs and lows of American history. Learn more about the presidents and the change we faced in the past and challenges yet to come.
Sitios web del Gobierno para Niños en Español - Visite esta página para explorar todos los recursos que el gobierno ofrece a los niños en español. Aquí encontrará juegos divertidos, información sobre las ciencias, la tecnología, la salud y mucho más..¡todo en español!
Smithsonian for Kids - Explore the playful side of the Smithsonian Museums. There are highlights of different areas, a fun and games section and much, much more.
Social Security Kids Stuff - Social Security is you piggy bank for the future. You save by making payments of part of your pay to Social Security as you work. Later when you cant work Social Security will pay you back every month with a Social Security check.
U.S. Department of State for Youth - Although headquartered in Washington, DC, the Department of State's embassies span the world in more than 190 countries. The diplomats who work in these embassies come from all over the United States and represent a variety of backgrounds. Can you see yourself as a diplomat someday?
U.S. House of Representatives - Great site for Government homework projects. Contains lots of documents related to the legislative process.
Understanding Taxes for Students - The IRS has developed an interactive, instructional tax program called Understanding Taxes to provide the general public with a technology-based instructional tool. Divided into two areas of content, Understanding Taxes offers both print and online materials to help you learn more about the history, theory, and application of taxes in the United States.
US Patent and Trademark Office Kids Page - What are patents, trademarks and copyrights you ask? Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about "intellectual property".
USA Freedom Corps Kids - Here are some volunteer ideas on this site to help you find ways to help in your community. You may already know the things you would like to do to help - like working with animals at an animal shelter, helping your neighbors or keeping our environment clean.
USDA for Kids - Learn about resource conservation, gardening and science to farming and food safety.
VA Kids, 6 - 12th Grades - This web site will give you background information on the Department of Veterans Affairs, including services and benefits provided.
VA Kids, K - 5th Grades - Learn about the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and how it provides many services and benefits for veterans.
NetRangers - If you go to a national park, you can join a Junior Ranger program. There are three levels of activities, grouped by age. The activities are grouped into "Ranger Stations." Complete all of the activities in one ranger station to qualify for an award.
White House for Kids - A doorway into the history of the White House, past presidents, their families, pets, and more.
Organization Sites
Take Your Kids To Vote - This site has great activities for future voters of all ages. Here are some ideas of things to do that are FUN!... and also help to make voting a family tradition.