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Hand Rejuvenation Surgery

Eyelid Lift Surgery

Eyelid lift surgery is done to repair sagging or drooping upper eyelids (ptosis). The surgery is called blepharoplasty.

Sagging or drooping eyelids occur with increasing age. Some people are born with droopy eyelids or develop a disease that causes eyelid drooping.

Description of Eyelid Lift Surgery

An eyelid lift is most often done while you are awake. The procedure is done as follows:

Eyelid surgery is done in a surgeon's office. Or it is done as outpatient surgery in a medical center.

Why the Eyelid Lift Surgery is Performed

An eyelid lift is needed when eyelid drooping reduces your vision. You may be asked to have your eye doctor test your vision before you have the surgery.

Some people have an eyelid lift to improve their appearance. This is called cosmetic or elective surgery. The eyelid lift may be done alone or with other surgery such as a brow lift or face-lift.

Eyelid surgery will not remove wrinkles around the eyes, lift sagging eyebrows, or get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Risks of Eyelid Lift Surgery

Risks of anesthesia include:

Risks of any surgery include:

Risks of an eyelid lift may include:

Medical conditions that make blepharoplasty more risky are:

After the Eyelid Lift Surgery Procedure

You can usually go home the day of surgery. Arrange ahead of time for an adult to drive you home.

Before you leave, the doctor or nurse will cover your eyes and eyelids with ointment and a bandage. Your eyelids may feel tight and sore as the numbing medicine wears off. The discomfort is easily controlled with pain medicine.

Keep your head raised as much as possible for several days. Place cold packs over the area to reduce swelling and bruising. Wrap the cold pack in a towel before applying. This helps prevent cold injury of the eyes and skin.

Your doctor may recommend eye drops to reduce burning or itching.

You should be able to see well after 2 to 3 days. Do not wear contact lenses for at least 2-weeks. Keep activities to a minimum for 3 to 5 days, and avoid strenuous activities that raise the blood pressure for about 3-weeks. This includes lifting, bending, and rigorous sports.

Your doctor will remove the stitches 2 to 7 days after surgery. You will have some bruising, which may last 2 to 4 weeks. You may notice increased tears, feeling more sensitive to light and wind, and blurring or double vision for the first few weeks.

Outlook/Prognosis of Eyelid Lift Surgery

Scars may remain slightly pink for 6-months or more after surgery. They will fade eventually to a thin, nearly invisible white line. The more alert and youthful look usually lasts for years. These results are permanent for many people.