Arthritis Pain Causes
Arthritis Pain Relief
Arthritis Pain Prevention
Effects of Arthritis Pain
Arthritis Pain Relievers
Physical Activity - The Arthritis Pain Reliever
The campaign was developed after conducting extensive formative research to promote physical activity as a method of arthritis self-management. Physical activity can have an important impact and beneficial effect on arthritis pain and associated disability.
The campaign is designed to achieve the following goals:
- Raise awareness of physical activity as a way to manage
arthritis pain and increase function
- Increase understanding of how to use physical activity
(types and duration) to ease arthritis symptoms and prevent
further disability
- Enhance the confidence of persons with arthritis that
they can be physically active
- Increase trial of physical activity behaviors
The target audience for the campaign includes men and women with arthritis, physician-diagnosed or self-diagnosed, who have the following characteristics:
- African American or Caucasian
- Ages 45 to 64 years
- High school education or less
- Income less than $35,000 a year
- Arthritis that has begun to or threatens to have negative impact on valued life roles
The initial step given by doctors to patients with arthritis is intake of medications that can reduce pain and inflammation.
Inflammation of the joints is the main cause of pain and misery in arthritis which is why it should be controlled. Most often, medications for arthritis have combined anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties.
Common medications include: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, supplements such as glucosamine chondroitin (joint lubricants), naproxen and some topical creams that hopefully relieve the pain. Lately, there have been studies made on the efficiency of capsaicin in reducing arthritis pain by incorporating it into topical creams. For serious cases of arthritis where pain is almost unbearable, steroids and other drugs like COX-2 inhibitors plus non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are given.
Next to medications, physical therapy is recommended since flexibility and mobility can be enhanced by this method. Physical movement maybe challenging to people with rheumatoid arthritis due to stiffness of joints and this is where physical therapy can help. Through assistance from therapists, a larger range of motion is achieved thereby stretching joints safely can be done. Regular activities like walking, climbing stairs or even exercising can be slowly resumed.
Treatment for arthritis are sometimes supplemented by devices such as braces or crutches that can assist a person with problems in mobility, however, these devices are meant for short-term use only. In short, several treatment options for arthritis abound the market place, but it's always smart to see a doctor first.
Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain
Do you suffer from arthritis? Is the pain and discomfort so debilitating that you want it to stop and now? If so, you may automatically head to your medicine cabinet. Before doing so, think it through. As soon as the medication wears off, the pain will return. Instead, think long-term remedies. Many natural remedies may provide you long-term relief, especially with continued use.
Eat fresh cherries because various studies have shown that fresh cherries fight and reduce inflammation. Joint swelling and inflammation are the most common causes of arthritis related pain. So, if you are looking for a natural way to treat arthritis, look no farther than your local grocery store or farmer's market. There is no specific recommended consumption advised, but since cherries are a healthy food, you can and should eat as many as you like.
Eat celery because celery is rich in potassium, as well as other minerals. There are varying causes for arthritis, but many claim potassium has an impact. Those with potassium deficiencies are at an increased risk for arthritis. Due the high presence of potassium, celery may assist with arthritis caused symptoms, such as pain, discomfort, inflammation, and joint stiffness. It is best to mix one teaspoon of celery seeds with warm water, let cool and drink.
Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its many health benefits. Although this success is mostly based on opinion, it has been known to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Apple cider is safe for most to consume, but there is risk with drinking the apple cider straight. For that reason, a mixture of 2 tablespoons in at least an 8-ounce glass of water or your favorite beverage is advised. This mixture can be taken up to 3 times daily.
Soak the painful joints in apple cider. Most prefer this approach as it targets the painful joints. Most recommend using ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and one liter of water. For areas too difficult to soak, such as the hips, soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the area.
Rub wild oregano oil in the skin. Those who have tried this natural remedy typically report immediate pain relief! Most recommend mixing the oregano oil with olive oil. An ideal mixture is 6 drops of oil for one tablespoon of olive oil. Some also report success rubbing coconut oil on the affected area, followed by a few drops of oregano oil.
Black cohosh. This American Indian treatment has sustained its popularity throughout the years. Black cohosh not only contains anti-inflammatory agents, but it has aspirin like qualities. Most recommend simmering around 1 teaspoon of black cohosh in a cup of boiling water. Do so for 20-minutes, let cool and drink. The mixture can be divided into two daily doses.
Hop tea. It has been said that the hop plant has many ingredients that act as an anti-inflammatory agent. In fact, some are very similar to steroid drugs. These have long been used to reduce the inflammation, pain, and discomfort of arthritis. To make tea, combine 3-teaspoons of hop leaves into a cup with boiling water. Let sit until slightly cooled. Drink before bed.
As with other home remedies, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter pain medications, may have short-term relief. That's why many opt for continued use. Luckily, you are safe with most natural remedies. Due to natural ingredients, prolonged use rarely causes any complications. However, patients should still speak with a medical professional first. In fact, you can development a natural treatment plan together.
As you see, there are many natural ways to seek relief from the joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Natural remedies are not guaranteed. In many cases, there is no scientific proof they work. With that said, the above mentioned natural remedies come highly rated and recommend by those, like you, who have suffered first-hand with arthritis.