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Investment Research
Use Free Government Publications &
Public Domain Works To Create Wealth
Very surprisingly, only a small percentage of the U.S.A. population takes advantage of the wealth of informative material provided by the world’s largest publisher - the U.S. Government Printing Office.
Here is a source of priceless, accurate and official information which is reported and written by experts. Almost every conceivable subject has been reported upon in detail in some government publication - topics such as energy, employment, health, business, stock market, futures markets, financial investments, science and technology, education, careers, transportation, veterans and personal benefits, consumer advice, foreign trade, law, space, food and diet, astronomy, gardening, medical, maintenance, housing, money management, equipment, hobbies, travel - the list goes on and on.
These publications are available to you upon request. In fact, you indirectly helped pay for them. A part of your tax contribution is allocated to operate the government printing office.
Many of these publications feature business sand personal matters that may directly help you make or save money. This report, however, will outline the most simple and ideal method to reap a huge financial gain from these publications - selling this information by e-mail via ebooks.
You undoubtedly have noted ads offering reports on government surplus, oil lotteries, land acquisitions, energy, etc. These ads appear in many national magazines monthly. year after year. Such reports contain information extracted from government publications. Often they are copied word for word. The "insiders" know how and where to get this valuable information free, or at low cost, then use this material to earn huge profits for themselves.
Few people realize that government publications are not copyrighted. Anyone has the authority to use this material for his own personal benefit. That includes copying it word-for-word if desired, reproducing it, and selling the information in the form of books, manuals or reports.
From this vast source of published material are many thousands of ideas you can adopt to prepare an informative publication which can be profitably sold via email as an ebook to download immediately after payment has been made. How easy can it get? This is by far by easiest method of delivery, no printing costs, no mailing costs, just 100% profit.
The first step, obviously, is to find out which publications are available, what subjects they cover and where they can be obtained. The second step is to select topics which would inform, appeal to and attract a large number of people who would be willing to buy your information by mail. The third step, is to compile this information into an e-book then sell thru a website or even on EBAY Many people sell ebooks via ebay and it becomes very profitably for them.
Besides a huge volume of official documents, the government printing office issues about 25,000 other booklets and reports with topics that concern and interest the general pubic. The government also publishes guides which lists and describes new issues when they become available.
Go to the Consumer Information Center website and view there "Consumer Information Catalog" which lists all the publications available, many downloadable right from their website.
Publications may also be obtained from government website. Many government agencies offer publications pertinent to matters in their field. For example, the Department of Commerce can provide data and information in various business matters, foreign trade, etc. It's all free and online.
Which topics to consider for your publication? What type of information will the public buy? Basically, to sell successfully, your product must fill a strong need or desire. It must offer a specific appeal factor that will make the public want to obtain the product. Some of the strongest appeals are found in publications/ebooks which promise to help people:
- To How Make Money on Weekends
- How to Eliminate Debit and Establish Good Credit
- How to Get & Maintain Good Health
- Diet Plans that work
- How to Train your Dog
Your e-book publication should deal with the "How To" types of subject matter. This is the main information the public seeks and will buy. The stronger information appeal your ebook publication offers, the larger number of people will be attracted to you offer. This factor will translate into a greater sales volume and ultimately higher profits.
Emphasized again, the subject matter of your publication must interest and appeal to a large number of prospects. Among large group categories are: households, blue collar and white collar workers, opportunity seekers, investors, dieters, recipe fanciers, gardeners, teenagers, senior citizens, mail order aspirants, health and exercise enthusiasts, fix-it-uppers, hobbyists, sportsmen and many other specific classes of people seeking helpful information to fulfill their desires and needs.
When you decide upon a suitable subject or subject or subjects, you next step is to compile the information into your own publication. You can copy word-for-word from the government literature, extract portions of the copy, express the ideas in your own words, or add some of your own ideas and thoughts to enhance the subject and provide the reader with additional information. Just copy and paste into your Dreamweaver or other web development software program, very easy to use.
The size of your publication will depend upon how many words are necessary to fully cover the subject. Provide every essential and important detail so the reader will completely understand and benefit from the information. Don’t skimp, but don’t include anything that is superfluous or inappropriate to the subject. Give the customer at least what he expects - more if possible. A happy customer is a confident prospect for your future ebook offers.
Adopt a title for your ebook publication that will grab attention. The title in the website can affect sales. The title should explain the subject matter in as few words as possible and make the reader want to read the entire website advertisement for the ebook. Offer a FREE Bonus with the publication.
What price to charge for your publication? Only testing can determine the right price. The right price is the selling price that brings in the most profit. The lower the price, the more orders you will received. Price means everything to the public, the cheaper the better.
To promote sales of your publication, creative a website specifically for ebook sales, sell your publication on ebay, use free online advertising.
Public Domain Works
If you ever wanted to start your own business with the lowest possible risk and the highest possible profits then you owe it to yourself to investigate re-packaging and re-publishing public domain information! There is lots of information online on how to get started with Public Domain Works.