On A Mission to Contribute to
Science & Scientific Knowledge

The mission of National Science Foundation is to provide free science info and scientific knowledge today

national science foundationPlease note National Science Foundation.com is a private site - This name is a gnericed name and is not a US Trademark or affiliated with the U.S. National Science Foundation, or any other nations National Science Foundation.

A number of nations of the world have their own National Science Foundation's, including Sri Lanka, USA, Switzerland, Japan and several other nations.

This NSF website is here to provide free Science knowledge, which scientific knowledge we are in the process of adding to this site. Please check back again later for more science content!

Still another purpose of this site is to give visitors easy access to the US National Science Foundations and other Science Foundation sites worldwide.

Since The U.S. National Science Foundation uses an abbreviated name and also a dot-gov name extension (instead of the much better known .com), it makes it sometimes difficult for them to easily locate the U.S. Government Agency Official NSF Site! Foreign NSF sites also use hard to remember and use url's. With our full descriptive name, and web-links, these govt agencies may now be easily reached.

Below we reprint an article from the U.S. national science foundation dealing with the purpose and mission of the US National Science Foundation. National science foundations in other nations have similar objectives.

Penicillin, the proximity fuse, the atomic bomb, among a host of other scientific contributions to American victory in World War 2, brought home to many citizens the value of scientific research. In the continuing crisis after the war, there were few who opposed the proposition that sustained Federal support of science and research was essential to the defense and welfare of the United States."

"By the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 the Congress established the National Science Foundation to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for other purposes.' The President approved the act in 1950."

The US National Science Foundation is an independent U.S. Government Agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through programs that invest over $3-billion per year in almost 20,000 research and education projects in science and engineering.

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Please note this website is not affiliated with The National Science Foundation located in the U.S. or any other nation, or their official government web-site. This name may be in use by other nations of the world using their individual country code name extension and not necessarily always in-use by the U.S.

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