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"Audience With The Pope"
We are on a mission on today's date providing information about an Audience With The Pope for a Papal visit in Rome, Italy for Catholics and Christians looking for a visit to the Pope at The Vatican.
A Sacrament of the Sick and Dying is offered by the
Holy Roman Catholic Church to gravely sick and ill people.
The Sacrament of the Sick and Dying was previously and commonly known as The "Last Rites" of the Holy Catholic Church with the ritual renamed by the Catholic Church and now identified as "the sacrament of the sick and dying" One well known Christian Church goes a big step beyond the Sacrament for the Sick and Dying by offering a Baptism for the Dead. It's a Baptism performed posthumously for people who have already passed away (recently or long ago) with the date of death making no difference to receive a Baptism for the Dead ceremony.
Both Catholics and other Christians Pray for a
Visit or Audience With The Pope at Vatican City
An "Audience with the Pope" is normally held weekly on Wednesday mornings. The audience-with-the-pope offers limited attendance with a small weekly capacity to accommodate the numerous requests for a Vatican City audience with the Pope in Rome. An AudienceWithThePope is common with heads of state and nation Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc but ordinary Christians can also attend an audience with the Pope.
Official Vatican issued tickets should be be reserved well in advance of your planned visit. The dress code at The Vatican mandates no shorts be worn, or tank-tops. In addition, women's shoulders need to be fully covered. These are methods you can use to request your very own personal audience with the Pope: Audience with the Pope requests may be accommodated by Telephone: You can arrange a meeting with the Pope using the services of Prefecture of the Pontifical House of Vatican City: Their international phone number is 011-39-06-698-83017.
You can also arrange a Papal Audience via an Internet-based form available from The American Catholic Church in Roma with a method of getting tickets to Papal Masses and Papal Audiences via an internet-based form, which visit of course needs to be arranged in advance of your trip to Italy.
They will work to make your Papal tickets available for pickup at the Church the evening before your scheduled audience-with-the-pope. Although not commonly available, you possibly may be able to reserve a somewhat rare Blessing given by the Pope at The Vatican.
You can also arrange a Papal Audience by using an Internet-based form available from The American Catholic Church in Roma with a method of getting tickets to Papal Masses and Papal Audiences via the internet-based form, which visit of course needs to be arranged in advance of your trip to Italy.
They will work to make your Papal tickets available for pickup at the Church the evening before your scheduled audience-with-the-pope. Although not readily or easily available, you possibly may be able to reserve a somewhat rare personal Papal Blessing given by the Pope at The Vatican.
Read about President Obama's Audience with His Holiness Pope Francis.
What The Bible says about The Sabbath Day and always making it a Day of Rest.
Bible Quote from Book of Exodus 20:8-11
republished by Wickapedia.net
Regarding Sunday Being a Good Day-of-Rest
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
6-days you shall labor and do all your work...
but on the 7th day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.
On it (i.e. Sunday) you shall not do any work, neither you,
nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant,
nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.
For in 6-days the Lord made both the heavens and the earth,
the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the 7th day.
Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.