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Today is which is a good date to start working hard on money matters since it's your money & your money matters!

This is a sample letter
for Settlement of a Written off Debt

So often community members have asked for a letter example to accomplish some purpose. This then is a sample format I have written myself or obtained from others on my Forum. Feel free to copy, paste, and alter to fit your needs.

Settlement Letter For Debt Already Written Off

Your Name, Your Address, Ciy, State, Zip


Collections Manager, ABC Bank, PO Box 6789, Dallas, TX 75210

RE: Account #017589357 / MasterCard/ Amt: $2,204.78

Dear Collections Manager:

This letter will serve as my intent to resolve the past due balance that has been written off by your bank.

This debt went unpaid due to circumstances beyond my control and I am now in a position to settle this matter.

Please advise if you are willing to accept payment in full via cashier’s check in return for a letter stating that you will “delete” the account from all credit reporting agencies.

Upon receipt and acceptance of your letter agreeing to these terms, I will forward to you payment in full.

Very truly yours,