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Taking Sleeping Pills

If your best attempts to get a good night's sleep have failed, prescription sleeping pills may be an option. Use them safely.

Prescription sleeping pills are available to help you fall asleep easier, stay asleep longer — or both. Before prescribing a medication to help you sleep, your doctor will ask you a number of questions to get a clear picture of your sleep patterns. He or she may also order tests to rule out any underlying conditions that may be causing difficulty sleeping.

To reduce the risk of side effects and of becoming reliant on drugs to sleep, your doctor likely will prescribe medications for two weeks or less. If the first medication you take doesn't work after the full prescribed course, call your doctor. You may need to try more than one prescription sleeping pill before finding one that works for you.

Some prescription sleeping pills are available as generic drugs, which are typically less expensive than brand names. Ask your doctor whether there is a generic version available of the medication they prescribe.

Sleeping pills have side effects

Below is a list of side-effects associated with prescription sleeping pills:

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