All About Serious Infections

- Herpes viral infection and other infections may come via cuts, abrasions, body contact, vaccination and other waysThe picture at right is of serious bacterial infection from skin sores...

Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It is the largest in terms of weight between; 6 and 9 pounds, and 2 sq yards surface area. Your skin separates the inside of your body from the outside world.

Conditions that irritate, clog or inflame your skin can cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, burning and itching. Allergies, irritants, your genetic makeup and certain diseases and immune system problems can cause dermatitis, hives and other skin conditions. Many skin problems, such as acne, also affect your appearance.

Your skin helps protect you from germs, but sometimes it can get infected by them. Some common types of skin infections are

Your skin can also get parasites and other infections, such as head lice and human scabies.

Causes of Skin Infections

Staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria are the most common causes of cellulitis.

The skin normally has many types of bacteria living on it. 10 fingers on hands often causes of serious infections requiring Wound treatment center visit When there is a break in the skin, however, bacteria can enter the body and cause infection and inflammation. The skin tissues in the infected area become red, hot, irritated, and painful.

Risk factors for cellulitis include:

Symptoms of Infections

Other symptoms that can occur with this disease:

Exams and Tests for Skin Infections

During a physical examination, the doctor may find:

Your health care provider may mark the edges of the redness with a pen, to see if the redness goes past the marked border over the next several days.

Tests that may be used:

Treatment of Serious Skin Infection

Treatment for serious Cellulitis skin infection may require a hospital stay if:

Most of the time, treatment with oral antibiotics and close follow-up is enough. Treatment is focused on controlling the infection and preventing complications.

You may receive antibiotics to control the infection, and analgesics to control pain.

Raise the infected area higher than your heart to reduce swelling. Rest until your symptoms improve.

Outlook / Prognosis for Serious Infections

It is possible to be cured with 7 - 10 days of treatment. Cellulitis may be more severe in people with chronic diseases and those who are more prone to infection because their immune system is not working properly (immunosuppressed).

People with fungal infections of the feet may have cellulitis that keeps coming back. The cracks in the skin offer an opening for bacteria to get inside. Click-here for Health Tip-of-the-Day.

Possible Complications of Skin Infections

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your health care provider if:

Seek medical attention immediately if the cellulitis is on your face.

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