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Persistent Fever

Causes of Persistent Fever

Almost any infection can cause a fever. Some common infections are:

Children may have a low-grade fever for 1 or 2-days after some immunizations.

Teething may cause a slight increase in a child's temperature, but not higher than 100°F.

Autoimmune or inflammatory disorders may also cause fevers. Some examples are:

The first symptom of a cancer may sometimes be fever. This is especially so with Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and leukemia.

Other possible causes of persistent-fever include:

Home Care for Persistent Fever

A simple cold or other viral infection can sometimes cause a high fever (102-104°F, or 38.9-40°C). This does not usually mean you or your child have a serious problem. Some serious infections may cause no fever or even a very low body temperature, especially in infants.

If the fever is mild and you have no other problems, you do not need treatment. Drink fluids and rest.

The illness is probably not serious if your child:

Take steps to lower a fever if you or your child is uncomfortable, vomiting, dried out (dehydrated), or a poor sleeping ritual. Remember, the goal is to lower-fever, not eliminate the fever.

When trying to lower a fever:

Here are some guidelines for taking medicine to lower a fever:

Eating and drinking with a fever: