The Mission of Pathological Disease a division of The Health Portal website is providing health and wellness information about health, wellness, fitness and disease issues like "Pathological Disease" a condition consisting of a propensity to make-up stories and lie!

Pathological disease is an ongoing propensity to be a liar. Pathological liars may have poor feelings toward others and no regard about the low morality of being a pathological liar. Pathological lying is closely related to another psychiatric mental disorder known as compulsive lying disorder which consists of habitual chronic lying and often lying about numerous inconsequential or much more significant subjects, basically out of habit.

Donald Trump on Ben Carson's pathologicaldisease being non-curable

Dr. Ben Carson has called his temper and numerous episodes of violence, including trying to hit his mother with a hammer and stabbing a friend (who was luckily saved by his belt buckle) as "pathological" in his book "Gifted Hands" when he wrote; "I had what I only can label a pathological temper, a disease, and this sickness controlled me, making me totally irrational." This news caused Presidential rival Donald Trump to say "as I understand it, you can't really cure pathological disease."

A recent medical study by a psychiatry organization shows exactly how brain-scans on pathological liars display basic differences in the brains frontal cortex which controls honesty, morality and remorse. Pathological disease sufferers have increased levels of white brain matter along with lower amounts of gray brain matter. White matter seems to be related to greater brain activity, with gray matter related more to a persons moral behavior.

Pathological disease liars often confuse lies and truth. Pathological disease liars may even think their lies are in-fact the truth. Pathological liars are often smart, intelligent, manipulative and self-centered. It is unknown if pathological disease can be controlled by the habitual liar or not. It's believed pathological liars may themselves believe their lies to the great extent of thinking the lies are true and are delusional about it.

There are personality differences between a pathological liar, a habitual liar and a compulsive liar. However, the 3 different classifications of being a pathological-liar, a compulsive-liar and a habitual-liar appears to be more or less the same. A clinical disparity is believed to be the only real difference between habitual, pathological and compulsive lying disorders.

A proven ability to identify a pathological disease liar would no doubt be of help to police and the criminal justice system to help determine validity of statements by criminal suspects. There can also be good use in employee screening, especially applicable to find the best applicants for jobs requiring trust and honesty, including sensitive USA government jobs.

At this time, there is no known cure for this pathological disease but it's likely drugs will be developed to help with liar pathological disease disorders, including prescription drugs to treat habitual and compulsive lying disorder. There are some pharmaceutical manufacturers working on those psychiatric type drugs, which will also need future FDA approval.