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Exactly What is Chronic Osteo Arthritis and its Pain Cause? Can "OA" Be Prevented, Successfully Treated or Cured?

A good time to deal with and treat with a goal to cure, reverse or stop progression of osteo-arthritis pain is to work on your arthritic pain to get pain relief starting today's date - Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder and cause of troubling joint pain. It's more or less due to aging resulting in wear-and-tear on a joint, tendons or the ligaments. Osteoarthritis, by far the most common form of arthritis, affects an estimated 36-million people in North America and hundreds of millions of arthritis sufferers worldwide.

Causes of Osteoarthritis and the even more serious and painful "Chronic Osteoarthritis"

Cartilage is the firm but flexible tissue cushioning your bones at the joints. It allows bones to slide smoothly over other bones. When the cartilage breaks down and wears away, the bones come in direct contact by rubbing together. This causes the pain, based on joint stiffness and swelling that's closely associated with chronic osteoarthritis.

As Chronic Osteoarthritis worsens, bone-spurs or extra bone matter may build-up and grow at the joint area. The ligaments and muscles around the joint will in all likelihood get weaker and/or stiffer as time goes by.

Up to age-54, Chronic Osteoarthritis occurs equally in men and women. However, after age-54, statistics reveal serious or severe arthritis is more common in US females compared to arthritis incidence in males.

Other health related issues may contribute to Chronic Osteoarthritis Disease.

Medical conditions which can result in OsteoArthritis include:

About The Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The Symptoms of Chronic Osteoarthritis usually appear in the middle-age years, common chronic osteoarthritis pain areas with almost everyone having some signs and symptoms of arthritis by age-70.

Pain, stiffness or swelling in the joints are most common pain symptoms. The pain is often worse after certain activities or when you put weight or pressure on the joint.

With Chronic Osteoarthritis, your joints may seem stiffer and harder to move as time goes by and the arthritic condition worsens over the years.

You may notice a rubbing, grating, grinding-like or a cracking sound when you move the joint.

So called morning stiffness, if you will, refers to joint-pain and stiffness felt when you wake up in the morning. Stiffness due to chronic-osteo-arthritis pain typically lasts one-half hour or less. The arthritis pain normally improves after performing light activities, thus allowing the joints to slowly "warm up."

During the day, the pain may get worse when you are most active and conversely feels better upon resting. As OA gets worse, you may have pain even when you are resting which may wake you up at night. Some people might not have symptoms, even though x-rays reflect ChronicOsteoarthritis changes.

Medical Exams and Tests to Identify Osteoarthritis

A physical exam and tests may reveal these issues:

Blood tests are not helpful in diagnosing osteo-arthritis and severe-arthritis pain, or a help with other pain conditions such as inflammation pain, chronic migraine headache pain and fibromyalgia pain.

X-rays performed for arthritis diagnostic purposes in all likelihood will reveal:

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