Heart Disease
Heart disease is a term that applies to a large number of medical conditions relating to the heart. These medical conditions relate to the abnormal health conditions that directly affect the heart and all its components. Heart disease is a major health problem within some cultures.
One theory for heart disease is the radical changes within our lifestyles. People are often less active and eat diets high in fats. Fast-food is abundant today and often people will eat it due to the increased availability. Some shopping malls are now catering to a healthier lifestyle by offering a variety of healthy dishes such as salads. People are becoming more aware of the risk of heart disease and choosing to change their diets.
Exercise is extremely important in order to avoid heart disease. Exercise helps to keep the heart in peak performance. By using a combination of exercise and a balanced diet, the risk of heart disease is greatly decreased.
The term Cardiovascular Disease covers a large number of diseases that directly affect the heart and the blood vessel system. It especially affects the veins and arteries that lead to and from the heart. Research has suggested that women who suffer with cardiovascular disease usually suffer from forms that affect the blood vessels. While men usually suffer from forms that affect the heart muscle itself. Other known or associated causes of cardiovascular disease include diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyper cholesterolemia.
Heart disease and strokes are other common cardiovascular diseases. Two independent risk factors that have a major impact for heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases, are high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.Now day's heart disease does not have to be a death sentence. There are healthy lifestyle choices that can be made and science has come a long way in the early detection of heart disease.
Heart Disease and Exercise
Inactive lifestyle is one of the major risk factors to heart disease, and exercise is one way of avoiding heart disease. If there's one muscle in the body that should never be ignored, that's the heart. Exercise is important because the heart requires exercise to function efficiently and effectively. The heart being a muscle needs exercise so as not to become flaccid and weak. It needs to maintain its endurance, tone, and ability to circulate blood normally through the body.
A positive exercise activates chemical messengers in the body stimulating all of the body's systems thus promoting healing and wellness systems of the body. It makes people feel better and invigorates something within them. Exercise is also important if a person suffers from a chronic illness such as diabetes accompanied by heart problems. If you want to avoid heart disease and exercise has been your one way of doing it, then you're absolutely on the right track.
Even if you've already have a heart disease, exercise to be on your list could save your life. The medical journal circulation published a recent study that found heart attack survivors who increased their levels of activity, were more likely to be ninety percent alive seven years after the attack than inactive patients.
'Bad' cholesterol LDL in heart needs exercise to remove it. Exercising regularly removes LDL from your blood that causes arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries. It helps protect your arteries and it doesn't stop there, exercise also increases the levels of the 'good' cholesterol HDL, the substance that helps clear your arteries.
People with heart disease and exercise regularly develops a stronger and larger heart muscle allowing it to move more blood with each beat, resulting to fewer beats through the day and heart rate drop, making your heart enjoy a well-deserved rest.
With heart disease may just be around the corner, making exercise as a permanent part of your life lowers your risk of this disease. Prevention of heart disease and exercise promotion in your life style is a goal that should be taken much more seriously.
What is the best exercise for your heart? You don't have to be living at the gym to protect your heart, rather 30-minutes of quick walking every day can reduce the risk of heart attack same as more energetic exercises like jogging and cycling.
The American Heart Association suggests 30 to 60-minutes walking or other forms of more active exercise daily or at least 5-days a week. The rewards of exercise are unlike the stock market, you get back everything you invest in it with some benefits almost immediate, plus you can start anytime and the best part is, it's completely free.