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Lower Back (Pain) Organization

Causes of Lower Back Pain

A good time to start working on a cure for your lower back pain is today which date can start your pain treatment program . . . lower back Low back pain refers to pain that you feel in your lower back. You may also have back stiffness, decreased movement of the lower back, and difficulty standing straight.

Acute back pain can last for a few days to a few weeks.

As people age, bone strength and muscle elasticity and tone tend to decrease. The discs begin to lose fluid and flexibility, which decreases their ability to cushion the vertebrae. If the spine is overly compressed, it will rupture and bulge outward. It results in pressure on one of more than 50 nerves rooted that controls body movements that transmit signals to the brain. When it becomes strained, that is the cause of back pain.

The cause of low back pain may reflect nerve irritation or bone lesions. Most of it follows trauma that connects to the behind portion of the body. It is also brought about by degenerative conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, viral infections, joints’ irritation or congenital abnormalities.

Most people will have at least one backache in their life. Although this pain or discomfort can happen anywhere in your back, the most common area affected is your low back. This is because the low back supports most of your body's weight.

Low back pain is the number two reason that Americans see their health care provider -- second only to colds and flu. Many back-related injuries happen at work. There are many things you can do to lower your chances of getting back pain.

You'll usually first feel back pain just after you lift a heavy object, move suddenly, sit in one position for a long time, or have an injury or accident.

Acute low back pain is most often caused by a sudden injury to the muscles and ligaments supporting the back. The pain may be caused by muscle spasms or a strain or tear in the muscles and ligaments

Too much fat, non-healthy lifestyle, weight gain during pregnancy, poor physical stature, inappropriate posture for the activity performed and wrong sleeping form may also contribute much to the cause of low back pain.

Having a bad posture especially when you are fond of slouching is also a common cause of low back pain. Aside from that, weak abdominal muscles can lead you to have swayback. It is an abnormal curving of the spine where the discs between vertebrate become damaged. It may first appear stiff or numb when you get up and move around. In a longer period, it will prolong.

As mentioned earlier, one cause of low back pain is carrying heavy materials especially when you are not used to doing such activity. When it's done, the increased pressure is put on your lumbar spine. If done in a wrong manner and have it positioned far in front of the spine, the muscles behind the back of the body exert effort to have a strong amount of force to have it upright. Thus, it tears away to herniate.

Originally, scar tissues that are created upon the recovery period are not as sturdy and flexible as compared to the normal tissues. The buildup from repeated injuries eventually grows, deteriorates the behind portion of the body and can even usher to a more serious level.

Also, the cause of low back pain may point toward a more grave medical dilemma. The ache that is accompanied by fever or nausea can indicate a pinched nerve. It could also be brought about by loss of bladder control, sore from coughing and progressive weakness. Some diabetic persons can experience severe twinges that radiate down to the leg related to neuropathy. Sickness such as osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and compression fractures are also highly considered however, only about a percentage of ten is factored as such.

Prevent Causes of Lower Back Pain

Low back pain is the most common affliction people suffer. Unfortunately, in the absence of serious medical problems, low back pain is considered a benign disease, self limiting and non-progressive. There are no real cures at present. So low back pain suffers like you and me have to endure daily episodes in silence, interrupted work and sleep and stuffing our cabinets with painkillers.

The old adage “Prevention is the best medicine” is real cheesy, but it does have really good points. So prevent is what we should do. And what better way to prevent this malady than to identify the causes of low back pain and see if we can find ways to avoid it.

Strained Muscles

One cause of low back pain is strained muscles. Pulled muscles, strained muscles, muscles spasm, they all mean the same thing and they feel the same. But how do they occur? Pulled muscles occur when you do strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects and pulling heavy loads. Normally, your body can cope up such activities, especially if you haul heavy objects regularly. But muscle cells do weaken, and when they do they tend to get torn. Pulled muscles happen when you do an action rapidly, like turning your body (especially your trunk) or bending over quickly. The explosive action will tear your muscles, especially if they are not yet warmed up.

So, if you encounter an especially heavy load, do something to divert some of the load so your muscles can cope with the work safely.

Muscle Spasms

pain Muscle spasms happen when you overwork a muscle past the limit. This is particularly true during tough workouts and strenuous games. Every time a muscle works, it converts oxygen and calorie into energy, the burning chemical reaction produces small amounts of toxin that are eventually released as sweat. If the muscle is used continuously, the buildup of toxins will eventually overwhelm the release of toxins in the pores. This toxin buildup produces muscle soreness that contributes to the causes of low back pain.

Bad Posture

Bad posture is another example of the causes of low back pain. Sitting down incorrectly can limit the blood flow to the spine and degenerate the cells that involve it. If you’re sitting over a period of time, sit in chairs with straight backs or low back support. If you can, arrange a sitting position that will keep your knees a little higher than your hips. Adjusting the seat or use a low stool to prop your feet are some examples. Or you could use a chair that has minimum elevation.

Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

You may feel a variety of symptoms if you've hurt your back. You may have a tingling or burning sensation, a dull achy feeling, or sharp pain. Depending on the cause and severity, you also may have weakness in your legs or feet.

Low back pain can vary widely. The pain may be mild, or it can be so severe that you are unable to move.

Depending on the cause of your back pain, you may also have pains in your legs, hip, or the bottom of your feet.

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