18221 which has good high-value Chinese meaning: want fortune love love want; and it's also a China Chips domain enhanced with first & last digit symmetry. In fact, all 3 featured numerical names are "chips" without 4 or 0.

We have owned this great domain name since year 2004 making it very well-aged. This domain name has substantial value by being the best name ending, which of course is dot-com.

There are more than 2-million results in Google on a "18221" search last time we checked that. This domain gets regular internet-traffic.

People are searching for these terms: Drifton PA Tourism, Hotels In Drifton PA, Events In Drifton PA, Restaurants In Drifton PA, PA Tourist Attractions, Best Shopping Near Drifton PA, 18221 Drifton PA Zip Code, acronyms, chinese domain names, china names, china travel, love, fortune

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