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The Commodity Futures Knowledge Network®

Commodity Traders Club News ®
Info-Guide to "Profitable Trading and
How to Save Money Along the Way"  Part-1

The Commodity Traders Club News is now sent via email for quick & easy delivery. Traders' Club News is a centralized location or trading clearing house, for experienced traders or new traders wishing to learn about or get started in commodity futures or other trading & investing. Members voluntarily exchange commodities and futures trading information, experiences and ideas with others. This results in us all obtaining knowledge or insight into various commodity trading methods, including both "day trading" & position trades, futures trading products, investment services, market data, commodity brokers, etc. Our CTCN club members may make money or save money & achieve real success at trading & investing. 

When you become a member, you will benefit by enhancing your knowledge. This will help you trade futures successfully, using the right methods and trading tools, and greatly enhance the possibility of you trading commodities profitably and consistently, with reduced risk. We also offer Omega TradeStation & SuperCharts compatible "day trading" software and "real success" commodity trading educational video tape futures trader training course.

Click Here to Read A Sample Copy of CTCN

Question: What is Commodity Traders Club News?

Answer: It's a "commodity futures knowledge network ®" . . . a centralized location or clearing house, in newsletter format, for commodity futures traders (or those wishing to learn about or get started in Commodity Futures Trading). Contributing members exchange information, experiences and ideas with others, which results in all of us receiving knowledge or insight into various trading methods, systems, trading products and services.

Comment: When you become a member, you will benefit by enhancing your knowledge, thanks to our traders' network. It will help you trade successfully, using the right methods and tools, to trade profitably and consistently with reduced risk. We are an educational journal . . . not an advisory service or trading methodology, and do not give specific trading advice. If you want actual trades, this is not for you. If that's the case, you need a different type newsletter, advisory service or hotline.

Question: What subjects are covered?

Answer: Members voluntarily exchange information or ideas on many subjects, including:

  •  Mechanical Trading Systems
  •  Trading System Vendors
  •  Computerized Trading Systems
  •   Non-Computer Trading Systems
  •   Trading Books
  •   Book Vendors
  •   Trading Magazines
  •   Publications
  •   Newsletters
  •   Hotline
  •   Trading Seminars
  •   Trading Courses
  •   Advisory Services
  •  Money Managers
  •  Brokerage Firms
  •  Orders/Fills . . . Problems
  •  Personal trading experiences of club members
  •  Personal trading methods or insight of members
  •  Drawdown Reduction Methods
  •  Loss Reduction Methods
  •  Money Management techniques and methodologies
  •  Personal experiences (good & bad) with trading systems
  •   Computers, Printers, Modems and other Hardware
  •   Miscellaneous Computer Software
  •   Quote Machines
  •   Data Vendors
  •   Psychology of Trading
  •   Discipline

Comment: As you see, there are lots of subjects being discussed. You will benefit from a wide array of facts, experiences, wisdom and knowledge on many subjects. Members use this wealth of information to make money or save money.

Question: Is membership more likely to help experienced traders or beginning traders?

Answer: Both will benefit equally. New traders will benefit greatly, because our more experienced members will be submitting informative and helpful articles, many of them relevant to less experienced traders. Experienced traders will also benefit greatly, as the subjects are pertinent to all members, whatever their experience.

Comment: Both new and experienced traders will get lots of benefits. This includes product reviews from actual product users, reviews and articles covering popular trading systems, opinions and reviews on various trading methods, books, courses, opinions on brokers, hotlines, and lots of other knowledge to make you successful. Plus, methodologies used by members to trade successfully. Most of our insights, facts, wisdom and knowledge are unique, and not available or difficult to obtain from traditional sources.

P.S. - If you have never traded futures before, its a great way to obtain the necessary knowledge to get started in futures.

Question: Can someone who has been (or is) a losing trader or a new trader benefit?

Answer: Most definitely! You will study the wealth of information and gain great knowledge. After paying particular attention to the loss potential and risk involved, you can decide if commodity trading is right for you. You will find that if it's done right, always using a stop-loss order, proper discipline and using good products and services, the great profit potential always present in futures trading more than makes up for the substantial risk that's inherent in commodity trading.

Comment: Becoming a CTCN member is a great way for traders who have lost money or for new traders, to get an inexpensive and fast education. You will then be able to trade profitably, and be far less likely to lose money or not waste money . . . thanks to knowledge gained and by buying the most beneficial products and services.

Your goal should be to become an expert in trading. Then you will become financially independent, and in a position to quit your job (if desired), by getting great income from your trading activities. Your membership in CTCN will be a vital and crucial step to reach your goals, with a faster and much less expensive learning-curve involved.

Question: Will someone who has lots of experience with commodity trading still benefit?

Answer: A quotation from the most famous trader of all time, Mr. W. D. Gann, is appropriate here. He traded stocks and commodities from the early 1900's to the mid-1950's and reportedly made fifty million dollars. Gann said "in his 50-plus years of trading there was never a week that went by where he did not learn something new." This is also true today.

Comment: No matter how experienced you are, there's always something new to add to your knowledge base. This includes new techniques, methodologies, new tools, systems, services and products you will learn about, to get you on the road (or keep you on the road) to highly profitable and successful trading.

Question: Are specific company, trading system, service or vendor names used?

Answer: There is normally no guessing about the product or subjects being referred to. Members will usually identify individual, company, or product involved.

Comment: There is really no reason for anyone to withhold the identity of individuals, service or product referred to. As long as the truth is told or an honest opinion given, without intent of malice, it's both ethical and legal. In addition, since the club is for members only, you are not publicly talking about anyone. As member, Wayne Roberts wrote in one of our back-issues: "CTC is a private club for members only, and outsiders' eyes are not suppose to be reading it."

Question: Are members actively involved in vendor bashing and negative articles?

Answer: Not much, but there is sometimes a small degree of it involved. However, the main intention is a learning experience and positive connotation, rather than negative, including positive trading products/methods/systems/ services.

Comment: If there are negative articles, it's assumed the truth is being told and member's fair and honest opinion given. There's no way the editor can verify the correctness of all contributions. CTC is not a Judge and Jury, and doesn't have the resources or authority to verify how accurate contributions are. However, contributions are most always accurate and correct.

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