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WSPN is The Women's Sports Network

What is the Fastest Growing Women's Sport?

A good time to get more involved in women's sports is today's date . . . The fast growing new game called "Netball" is rapidly becoming one of the most popular women’s sports in the world. Netball is a new type of basketball started in the U.S.A. and being played by more than 20 million women and girls thru out the world. Netball is similar in some ways to basketball although there is no ball dribbling, the ball and basket are slightly smaller, there is no backboard and players are designated to certain areas of the court. The game is fast, fun and can be played by women and girls of all ages, sizes and skill levels. Netball is recognized by the International Olympic Committee and a strong push is underway for it’s inclusion as an Olympic games sport.

Netball is popular in nations like England and elsewhere in the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean countries and enjoys fast gaining popularity in the United States with regulation Netball courts scattered about the country. You do not necessarily need to be tall, athletic or fast to play Netball as in the case with regular basketball. Netball gives a lot more women and girls a chance to play in a sport which relies more on teamwork than natural physical skills and height.

What are the Most Popular Women's Sports?

The most popular girls and women's sports which rank high in both its spectator and player participation are Basketball, Fast Pitch Softball, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Volleyball, Cycling, Olympic Figure Skating, College & Olympics Hockey, Swimming & Water Sports, Marathons & Running, Track & Field, Hockey, Biking, Downhill and Cross Country Skiing. Sport participation and regular exercise such as walking also put women and girls on the long and winding road to ongoing health and wellness. By the way, a woman dressing in a nice yoga outfit to do her regular or daily Yoga is perhaps the most popular women's exercise activity overall but it's not considered to be a sport. However, a yoga workout regimen has similar if not better exercise and health benefits and staying in shape value as traditional sport.

About The Women's Sports Foundation

The Women's Sports Foundation (WSF) was founded in 1974 by women's tennis star Billie Jean King, the Women's Sports Foundation is a national charitable educational organization seeking to advance the well-being and leadership skills of girls and women via sports and physical activity. The Sports Foundation's Participation, Education, Advocacy, Research and Leadership programs are made possible by gifts from individuals, foundations and corporations. Interested parties can contact the Foundation for information about its Speaker Service, Community Action Programs, grants and scholarships or membership via the Internet or Women’s Sports Info line. The Foundation’s GoGirlGo! works across the country to improve the health of mostly sedentary girls and keeping girls involved, healthy and fit with regular sports and physical activities.

National Girls and Women in Sports Day was established by a Congressional declaration in the 1980's to call attention to the positive influence of sports and fitness participation and to advance the struggle for equality and access for girls and women in sports.

Playing sports

teenage girl playing soccerPlaying sports can help you through tough periods in your life and put you on the path to a healthy adult life. The Women's Sports Foundation has conducted research on the link between academic success and sports for women and girls. Their research shows that:

What kind of sports or exercise would you like to participate in? In picking a sport the focus should not be on what particular sport you excel in, but what sport you enjoy most!

If you are quiet, shy, or just not very athletic, go for walks with a friend or your mom. Try hiking or swimming on the weekends as a family. You might also try noncompetitive dance, gymnastics, aerobics, or ice skating classes. Learn about playing sports with an illness or disability.

If you are a bit of a “tomboy“ and always seem to want to play with the boys at the park, go for the more competitive sports. Enroll in either co-ed or all-girl sports such as softball, soccer, basketball, field hockey, or track. Let’s not forget football!

Even if you consider yourself a “girly-girl,” you can enjoy participating in sports as well. Dance and cheer leading often are overlooked when considering sports, but they are physically demanding and are excellent forms of physical exercise for both women and girls.

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