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Control Urges

Control Urges

- Do you have urges you cannot control when it comes to shopping, eating, gambling, drugs, etc? If you can't control your urges, they can become addictions and professional help may be necessary to overcome the addiction.

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Types of Urges or Addictions

Nowadays we have a variety of addictions, including eating addictions, addictive personalities, love/relationship addictions, drug and alcohol addictions, pornography addictions, gambling and pain addictions, etc. Addictions are a form of suicide, if a person loses control of the senses, death can occur.

Gambling has spread out like a disease over the world leading people into a snare. In Asia up to 21% polls responded to surveys, which estimated that this percentage of gamblers were pathological (alter or disease) gamblers. In America, the estimated respondents of 5% claimed they had a problem with gambling. The upside is most casinos online offer support to those who feel they have a gambling addiction. Yet, gambling addictions date back further than when the casinos came available.

Obsessions and compulsive response is dangerous, and is often backing many types of addictions. A person obsessed often reaches for goals that are out of reach and will do anything to reach those goals. Rather, obsession is a persistency in disturbed preoccupations, which often entail unreasonable notions or feelings. Thus, this is an imbalanced forceful motivation.  

The penalties of compulsive gambling can be catastrophic. Not only colossal amounts of overdue money incurs, but also the person is at risk of going to jail. While casinos are opening the doors worldwide, the act of gambling is illegal in most states.

Alcohol is another type of addiction that can lead to many troubles, including death. Alcoholism is a complicated, ongoing psychological disorder coupled with nutritional disorders linked with excessive obsessive drinking, which is often typical. In other words, mental illness due to damage to neurotic parts is a result of excess drinking. Alcohol problems and addictions however require a deeper assessment, since sometimes the law and mental experts over define alcoholism.

Drug addictions have variants, i.e., drug addicts might use one drug to reach a high and may not use other drugs. The types of drug addicts include morphine, cocaine, crack, opium, etc, yet the mother of all the drugs is opium. Prescription addicts are now an issue, since many of the drugs prescribed by physicians is addictive. Crack addicts once addicted will do anything to support their habits. The drug leads them to thievery, lying, soliciting, etc. Drug addicts of this type will sell their own children, sell their bodies, and will sometimes kill in the name of crack. 

Sex addicts is another difficult area of addictions, since it also houses variants. Sex addicts such as serial killers are more complex to define than those addicts known as sadism's. A person addicted to pornography material is probably the worst types of addicts, outside of crack addicts. Pornography has lead to murder, thief, lies, deceit, torture, etc and it only promotes serial killers, serial rapists, pedophiles, etc. 

Personality addicts is confusing, since the claimers of this diagnose are misunderstanding true personality traits of inborn persons, i.e. the people are failing to see how God created us. Additive personality types are commonly known as ENNEAGRAM, which has advocate personality types, i.e. there is more than one type. The diagnosis is claimed to be linked to abuse of substance, including alcohol, drugs, etc.  

Love and/or relationship addicts, dependency are the common element that leads a person to addictions. When a person is addicted or else dependant they will often rely on influences to support their suffering. When a person lacks compartments of their person, they will often fall into the dependency stage. If a person cannot be alone or learn to live with self, they often resort to a dependency, which in turns leads them in a wrong direction, including addictions. 

A person addictive to love lacks development and will often strive to seek attention. The person is often emotionally detached from self and isolated mentally as well as physically, thus the person will remove self from supporting members, i.e. family or friends. The person will often appeal to society as a productive person, yet inside the person is hiding through disintegration. The person will often strive on drama impact relationships since intensity is mistaken as intimacy. The person strives to avoid abandonment and rejections, and will often lack trust.

Addiction is a powerful influence that links to impulses, cravings, withdrawals, etc. Addiction is the state or quality of becoming addicted to a particular substance, chemical, etc. Addictions often stem from compulsive needs, which become habit-forming. The person might become addicted to heroin, nicotine, alcohol, sex, pornography, relationships, drugs, etc, or else have an additive personality. The addiction is often characterized by tolerance and well defined physiological symptoms, especially upon withdrawal.

Addictions occur when a person devotes self to a particular need. An alcoholic is often defined as a person having complexity-quitting drinking. Anyone who drinks in the morning, afternoon, and evening is considered an alcoholic. Alcoholic is completely dependent on his daily dosages and in case of unavailability he might lose control of his mind and can go overboard to satisfy his intensifying urge. Alcohol addictions can be long-established by an assortment of symptoms such as developing a strong sense of compulsion to drink, drinking curtly after awaken to reduce feelings of alcohol withdrawal, developing a reduced capacity to control how often, and how much one should have or organizing one’s lifestyle around drinking.

Drug addiction not only spoils a person nervous system but also get in the way with his mental as well as physical competence. Crystal addictions today are at the top in line of addictions around whole world, with other addictions following. Crystal METH labs are circling in different regions to meet the growing need of its addicts, In spite of law enforcement agencies putting together task forces specifically to eliminate these drug users and producers. Still, crack addicts are swarming the world as well, which is by far more disturbing than Crystal Methamphetamines. Morphine is another drug that is leading to addictions.

Morphine is becoming famous as one of the deadlier drugs whose addiction could spoil an entire life.  The drug is laced with acids and ammonia's, which has made it as one of the highly additive drugs in the market. The drug now includes crystalline additives. Ammonia is an overpowering monochrome gaseous alkaline with compounds that include nitrogen and hydrogen. As you can see the addict of these types of drugs are causing serious harm to the body and mind. The intake of these drugs overtime will fry the brain, or else kill the person.

Still, legal drugs are posing threats to those becoming addicted to the drugs. Nicotine houses fourteen drugs that are addictive. Nicotine alters the functions of the brain, which creates a craving to use the drugs. The drugs will cause symptoms of withdrawal, e.g. if the person tries to quite smoking anxiety attacks will occur, irritability, etc. Cigarettes or forms of nicotine will cause a person to feel a sense of relief while smoking the drug. Nicotine is one of the drugs difficult to stop using. Nicotine is the leading drug that has claimed many lives and continues to claim lives each day.

Sex addictions, relationship and pornography addictions stem from the same desire, i.e. a want and need to feel something pleasurable. Persons with pornography addictions tend to masturbate frequently, and will often switch sexual partners on an ongoing basis. Most addicts will use pornographic materials to satisfy a greed, envy, or burning desire, which is a selfish desire.

Relationship addicts may or may not use pornography to satisfy their needs, yet the underlying or core element that enforces their drive is stemming from the same cravings as that of sex and pornographic addicts. Impulses, compulsions, or obsessive disorders, often pushes a person to react to their needs and wants. The individual rarely has forethought, yet will experience strong guilt feelings.

Addictions come in a variety of forms, yet when it boils down to the core addicts have the same elements that push them to release.

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