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People are searching for these terms: telecommunications, networking, wireless technology, broadband, 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), satellite communication, Optical fiber, VoIP, radio communication, Mobile technology, smart Devices, Data transmission, Cloud computing, IP telephony
127 Interesting & Fun Ways of Making-Money working from using Communications & Electronic Communicating Technology combined with Business-Based PC or Home Computer!
1. Office management service
2. Word processing or secretarial business
3. Do medical billing for doctors
4. Do telemarketing from home
5. Manage a church
6. Run a computer user's group or a forum
7. Learn to win at online-casinos
8. Bet on sporting events
9. Offer websites for sale
10. Sell computers from your home
11. Provide medical information management
12. Broker information
13. Trade stocks or commodities by computer
14. Offer Website Design service
15. Offer an interactive online newsletter

16. Produce book indexes
17. Provide a computer-assisted booking service
18. Make stock market investment decisions
19. Do genealogical research
20. Manage a band and promote musical groups online
21. Manage a house or pet sitting service
22. Track precious gems
23. Sell information to collectors
24. Analyze real estate investments
25. Support a small law practice
26. Write a book online
27. Market collectibles & conduct online-auctions
28. Do psychological counseling
29. Prepare state or federal income tax return
30. Provide economic consulting
31. Solve real estate financing problems
32. Do data base research
33. Publish your own book electronically
34. Run your own internet-based search-engine
35. Crop and commodity management
36. Analyze farm expenses
37. Offer domain names for sale
38. Make computer-generated portraits
39. Manage investment shelters
40. Manage construction costs & projects
41. Produce computer utility products
42. Provide computer-aided financial planning
43. Sell life insurance
44. Support a small publishing business
45. Provide weekly printout of baseball statistics
46. Run an online-pharmacy
47. Become a computer dealer
48. Interpret physical therapy test results
49. Manage a restaurant
50. Your own online-yellow-pages 411 directory
51. Conduct computer-assisted telephone interviewing
52. Executive job search activities
53. Provide agricultural commodities planning
54. Offer personal financial statement debt analysis
55. Manage a museum collection
56. Support consumer education programs
57. Do freelance technical writing
58. Do multi-level direct mail marketing
59. Review software as a consultant
60. Be an engineering consultant
61. Provide sports information services
62. Produce products for hobbyists
63. Provide specialty-focused software services
64. Run a multi-level, direct sales operation
65. Do litigation management
66. Run/Manage farm using online-commodities markets
for hedging
67. Provided automated debt collection
68. Provide date-base installation and instruction
69. Run a beauty school/beauty salon
70. Improve or Design small business systems/services
71. Sell computer components & electronic gadgets!
72. Communications service
73. Enhance medical diagnosis and treatments
74. Create electronic marketing tools
75. Do independent software documentation
76. Teach people how to use microcomputers
77. Become your own computer book publisher
78. Create computer-generated puzzles and word games
79. Become a software consultant
80. Produce low-cost computer graphics products
81. Develop software for children
82. Real estate home inspections
83. Do software translations
84. Produced a computer-controlled home security system
85. Automate conference registration
86. Create computer gifts
87. Enhance scientific products
88. Write software for use in the home
89. Manage a winery
90. Design and produce personal computer hardware or
91. Design, publish and distribute software
92. Provide information vending machines
93. Start a software writing cooperative
94. Develop small scale real estate partnerships
95. Do property management
96. Do mortgage loan brokerage
97. Perform non-judicial foreclosures
98. Develop mini-warehouse storage facilities
99. Sell instant signs
100. Start an advertising agency
101. Start a resume service
102. Manage a talent agency
103. Operate a referral service
104. Operating a mailing list service
105. Operate a typesetting service
106. Offer a legal forms service for the general public
107. Publish your own newsletter or help others for
a fee
108. Operate a voice mail service
109. Start your own local classified newspaper
110. Provide a collection letter service
111. Offer a custom diet plan service
112. Start your own local real estate newspaper
113. Start an apartment rental newspaper
114. Provide payroll services
115. Start a computer dating service
116. Offer web-hosting service
117. Website Design service
118. Daytrade stock market & online commodity trading
119. Offer clients high-speed reliable web-hosting services
120. Internet Domain Name Registration & Domain
121. Write and Sell an Electronic Newsletter Ezine
122. Sell Website Templates & JPG/GIF Graphics
123. Offer Online-Marketing & Internet-Based Advertising
Services 124. Home-Based Tax Preparation Service &
125. Offer Mortgage Loan Applications & Mortgage
Leads to Lenders
126. Run your own Affiliate Network of Revenue Generating
127. If you or perhaps someone you know have a home to sell
and want to save big-money (pay no listing commission) by listing
in the Realtor® Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for Internet-based For Sale By Owner - Click-Now! (FSBO)