Career Planning
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Most people need some preparation before they’re ready for the workforce, and planning should begin long before it’s time to start a career. This could include taking technical courses during high school or, after graduating, attending a college or university to earn a certificate or a degree. Knowing what type of career preparation you need begins with thinking about what type of career you want.
High school is a great time to start thinking about careers. Settling on just one occupation in high school isn’t necessary. But looking into the types of careers you might like can help set you up for success.
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It’s important to think about what you like to do, say school counselors, because work will eventually be a big part of your life. The whole purpose of thinking about careers is so that when you go to the workforce, you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work.
Career preparation should start in high school, but it shouldn’t end with graduation. Most occupations require some type of training or education after high school. On-the-job training, apprenticeships, certificates, non-degree awards, and various levels of college degrees are typically required for entry-level jobs.
Which type of training you need depends on the career you want to pursue. Your high school may offer opportunities for getting career training or college credits before you graduate. And after graduation, your training options expand even more. The closer you get to entering the workforce, the more you’ll want to narrow your choices.