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FEOFE is a Highly Brandable, Unique, Interesting and Very Cool Sounding short pronounceable website name. FEOFE [pronounced: fe-o-fe] has powerful potential marketing meaning behind it and makes an amazingly strong and good brand-name for an established or start-up business. It can be easy to get people remembering such a unique name and typing-in FEOFE (or FEOFI).
Some feofe.com related searches are on: interesting, attention getting, cool sounding and easily remembered biz name word. It's also said 'feofe' is honourability, ingenuity, decisiveness, entrepreneurs, which words are especially alluring when combined with a powerful website name like feofe.com
FEOFE is a very old provincial English Dictionary Word described this way: "For he that failed to do him right, did feofe on him the wrong" from Warner's Albions Englands, published in year-1592.
Always keep in mind "Failure is an option here. If things are not failing you are not innovating" That famous Elon Musk quote is a real powerful 'feofe' concept for entrepreneurs and start-ups. If you want success you have to get up from the ground and be more (not less) uncomfortable.
There are many examples of how personal success starts with failure, some of which involves children. When young children fail at almost anything in their early life, they quickly bounce back and learn to be successful. Such as failures in kids sports, activities, early learning, making friends, etc.
Entrepreneurship is all about it. Failure is always an option but Failure is also a pathway to success! You can push boundaries expecting a 'FEOFE' success however if your 'feofe' doesn't work, simply try a new FEOFI expecting new FEOFEs. In other words, if at first you don't succeed; try and try again with more feofe's for as long as it may take.

More Famous Quotes about Failure & Success
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~ Thomas Edison
Press On, nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb, Education alone will not; The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are Omnipotent. ~ Anon.
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. ~ Babe Ruth
If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeats. But if you take no risks, you win no victories. ~ Richard Nixon
The race of life is not necessarily always won by the mighty, most rugged, swiftest or strongest but is often won by the most persistent...dream big, never quit, never give up, never! Persistence is The Secret and Key to Success ~ Dave