Children Fuel Up for Fun

- Whether you hit the court, the field, the track, the rink, or your back yard to get some physical activity, you'll need some fuel to keep you going!

Here are some great snacks to munch on to keep your body moving and your stomach silent:


No matter what type of physical activity you do, you should always be sure to drink plenty of water — before you start, during the activity, and after you're done, even if you don't feel thirsty.

Children Having Fun and Staying Safe

Below are Physical Activity Safety Tips to know and follow:

Tip #1 FUN IN THE SUN - When you are swimming at the pool, lake, or ocean, know your limits. Remember, you will have to swim back and you can get tired before you know it.

Tip #2 DRINK UP! - When you’re playing hard, make sure to drink plenty of water. That way, you’ll be able to stay in the game.

Tip #3 SUN SAFETY - Use screen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more and slather it everywhere 30 minutes before you go outside. Put more on every few hours.

Tip #4 CHECK IT OUT - Check out the conditions of the field or floor where you are playing and the surface you are riding on. If it’s wet, slippery, bumpy, or has lots of traffic, find another day or place to play.

Tip #5 WATCH THE WEATHER - If you see a storm rolling in, pack it up and head home.

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