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Health and Human Services Department

An excellent time to start learning about how to achieve good health, healthy eating, healthy living, diets and diet supplements is today so study our health & fitness resource today... Health and Human Services Dept health guidelines for healthy lifestyleThe Health and Human Service Department emphasizes the importance of health and well-being. Here are some tips for health and well being. Healthy food habits can help you reduce the 3 major risk factors for heart disease and heart attack.

They'll also help reduce your risk of coronary problems or stroke because heart disease and high blood pressure are major risk factors which can lead to strokes. Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures. Since there are many foods and many ways to build a healthy diet and lifestyle, there is lots of room for choice. These food and health guidelines can help answer these health related question.

"What should I eat to stay healthy?" They provide advice for healthy Americans over the age of 2 and about food choices to provide health and possibly prevent disease. To meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, choose a diet based on grain products, vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk products, lean meats, fish, poultry, and dry beans. Choose fewer calories from fats and sweets.


Maintain a healthful body weight by balancing what you eat with physical activity. If you are sedentary, try to become more active. If you are already very active, try to continue the same level of activity as you age. More physical activity is better than less, and any is better than none. Visit Web Medical Doctor website for more medical, health and general wellness information.

If your body weight is not in a healthy range, try to reduce health risks through better eating and exercise habits. Take steps to keep your weight within the healthy range (neither too high nor too low).


Try to adhere to the U.S. Government's Food Pyramid Guide to the proper balanced nutrients your body needs each day. Make grains, fruits, and vegetables the foundation of your meals. This forms a base for good nutrition and good health and may reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases. Be flexible and adventurous-try new choices from these three groups in place of some less nutritious foods you usually eat. Whatever you eat, always take steps to keep your food safe to eat.


Choose foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and a diet moderate in total fat.

Make sensible choices that promote health and reduce risk of certain chronic diseases. You can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet as long as you don't overdo on fat (especially saturated fat), sugars, salt, and alcohol. Read labels to identify foods that are high in saturated fats, sugars, and salt (sodium).

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, developed by the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA), provide recommendations based on current scientific knowledge about how dietary intake may reduce risk for major chronic diseases and how a healthful diet may improve nutrition.

The food guidelines form the basis of Federal food, nutrition education, and information programs. First published in 1980, Dietary Guidelines were revised in 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000. The law requires publication of the Dietary Guidelines at least every five years. This legislation also requires review by the Secretaries of USDA and HHS of all Federal dietary guidance-related publications for the general public

Ways to get Exercise Around your home

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