Guidelines for a 10-Pound Weight Loss

Losing weight, as well all know, can bring tons of benefits most of which are long term. It can help improve the body’s defenses against certain diseases as well as improve the psychological well being. Wishing to shed a few extra pounds isn’t that hard to realize. There are several guidelines for a 10-pound weight loss out there that you can surely utilize for your own advantage. Integrating these tips with your diet and exercise regimen can definitely help you lose weight for a shorter period of time.

Tell Others You Are On a Diet

Making your diet public is a form of affirmation. It is very hard to keep your diet a secret from others and there is not reason for you to do that. Telling others that you are on a diet can really help you in the long run. More people would be able to help you on your mission and you can depend on them more for morale support.

Motivation is the key to a successful diet. You can get this from those around you especially your from your friends and family. If you hear unsupported comments, just brush them off and think of the positive effects of what you are doing.

Don’t Forget to Drink Lots of Water

Water is obviously very helpful to the body. It can even be more helpful during diets. Water doesn’t only help the body get rid of toxins and functions properly but also eliminate cravings. A sudden change in eating habits can cause unexpected cravings and hunger pangs. Water is very beneficial during these tough times.

A glass of cold water can effectively eliminate any of your cravings even for just a moment. Whenever you feel like eating but it is not time for your meal, grab a glass of water and drink until you feel the cravings melting away.

Purchase a Weighing Scale

You don’t have to buy those large weighing beams that they use on the hospitals. There are several kinds of digital weighing scales available on your local hardware and electronic store. This is an important step in any diet; how else can you monitor your progress if you don’t own a scale? Always remember to choose a brand that is known for its durability and accurateness.

You can either opt for a simple weighing scale that only has the basic ability to tell you how much you weight or something that has extra options like weight logging and comparison programs. The latter type of weighing scale is very helpful in telling you just how you are developing through the diet.

Make a Habit of Weighing Yourself Everyday

Once you bought a weighing scale, place it in your bedroom where you can easily access it after waking up. Most people only weight themselves once a week. Though this method is still effective, weighing yourself everyday can tell your daily progress. This is even more evident if you purchase a weighing scale that is accurate to the last detail. Always remember that a 180.8 is yesterday is different from 180.0. A weighing scale that can’t tell your accurate weight even to the last decimal is less useful.

Losing as low as .8 in your weight is significant because it shows you exactly how your diet is working. Keep in mind that the diet is only as good as its results. Try to find more guidelines for a 10-pound weight loss or be creative and make one. You don’t know how much they can help you achieve your goal.

Curb Your Hunger and Lose More Than 10 Pounds

The hardest part of changing the way you eat is to eliminate hunger pangs and cravings. The body has been so used to being full all the time that it causes you to eat in-between meals. This habit is certainly one of the leading causes of unnecessary weight gain. Most of the time, the food you eat during snacks are unhealthy although satiating. That is why it is important to know how to curb your hunger. Not only will this cause you to lose more weight and faster but also adapt a healthier lifestyle free of extra calories and fats.

Hunger, Satisfaction and Your Appetite

Most people believe that these three terms share a common meaning. That is not the case, however. The appetite doesn’t necessarily mean hunger while hunger is not satiety or satisfaction. For starters, the appetite is more synonymous to cravings. It is characterized by a strong desire to eat a particular kind of food, i.e. “I have an appetite for chocolate cake right now.”

On the other hand, hunger is a condition that usually occurs when the body is in dire need of nutrition. It is accentuated by shakiness, edginess, headache, and growling of the stomach. Lastly, satisfaction or satiety is simply the feeling of fulfillment or fullness. Most often, people stop eating when they are already satiated.

Factors That Play a Major Role

The three terms associated with eating (hunger, appetite and satisfaction) are affected by certain hormones of the body such as leptin, cholecystokin, ghrelin and insulin. All of these hormones cause the body to experience specific needs for nourishment. In addition, they affect a person’s behavior and thoughts in relation to hunger, satisfaction and appetite.

One popular example of this is when a person feels an intense desire to eat more even if he or she already ate enough. During this circumstance, the endocrine gland produces excessive hormones that cause the person’s satiety level. The overproduction of the hormone leptin can also induce intense appetite sometimes causing the person to desire highly unhealthy foods.

Managing Your Hunger

There are several ways that can help you manage your hunger effectively. Creating irregular eating periods can cause the body to adapt to the new meal schedule. This doesn’t mean, though, that you should eat erratically but rather scatter meals all throughout the day.

Consuming less starchy and sugar-filled meals can also decrease your hunger levels. Excessive consumption of sugar can cause fluctuations of your blood sugar that will not only affect the way you lose weight but also cause eventual diabetes. Lastly, simple elimination of hunger and appetite stimuli can help manage the weight better. Make sure you decrease the amount of unhealthy desserts and snacks at your home.

Managing Your Satiety

It is important to know that there are several factors that contribute to increase satiety. One is lessening the time gap between meals or eating every two to three hours. Also, eating a high protein diet can also cause effective satiety since protein has been known to cause satiety.

Fiber, which helps digestion and clean the digestive tract, can also cause prolonged satiety since the body needs more time to digest fiber enriched foods. Incorporating fiber and protein rich food in your diet can effectively curb your hunger.

Four Reasons Why It Is Hard to Lose 10 Pounds

Losing the slightest amount of weight is tough. Losing ten pounds is even tougher. If you are not careful enough, the lost weight will come back to haunt you. Remember that gaining weight is a lot easier than losing weight for almost everybody. Aside from those who are blessed with good genes allowing them not to gain any weight no matter how plenty they eat, us mere mortals will find it hard to lose even a single pound without the much needed effort. That is why knowing the reasons why it is hard to lose 10 pounds or less is important.

Getting behind that reasons of your weight loss struggle is the key in eliminating some of the effort needed to lose weight. At the same time, some of these causes can also be the reason why some people gain weight faster than anyone else. It is time to explore the factors that play a major role in managing weight.

Physical Problems

Many people don’t realize that they can easily gain weight due to some underlying conditions. There are plenty of medical conditions that can contribute to weight gain. Some of these include pituitary disorders, blood sugar imbalance, and a relatively low thyroid hormone.

Malfunctions in the adrenal gland can also cause some people to gain weight faster. Liver and kidney disease can also become a factor. Even drugs that are used to cure such diseases can also cause some people to gain weight especially if the drugs have a fluid retention side-effect. That is why it is important to go to a doctor first before even deciding to lose weight in order to properly assess the right course of action.

High Levels of Stress

The popular Yo-Yo dieting, which has been a trend to most celebrities nowadays, is mostly caused by huge level of stress. Stress can affect the weight of a person; either losing or gaining weight can be caused by stress. The body can also cause stress by producing stress hormones, like epinephrine and cortisol in huge amounts.

These two hormones can cause the abdomen to store more fats than usual. Avoiding the production of these stress-inducing hormones must be dealt with externally through avoiding stressors whether from work or at home. Finding relaxing activities can also help the body eliminate stress.

Body’s Toxicity Levels

If the body absorbs too much toxins, it will need those extra pounds to dilute them. This is why it is important to opt for organic foods. Not only are they healthier but contains fewer toxins from chemicals. Conventional methods of farming require chemicals to fight against pests attracted to produce. Spraying pesticides is a normal ritual when growing crops. However, this practice causes health problem, which eventuates to weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Addictions to Food and Beverage

Let’s face it, all of us love food. However, the excessive love for food and beverage obviously causes weight gain and obesity. Furthermore, addiction to drugs especially narcotics can cause the imbalances to your weight. Some chemicals like those from marijuana can cause the body to crave for more food than usual.

Alcohol addiction can also cause weight gain due to the alcohol’s ability to dehydrate the body. This would result to an increase need to eat and drink. Aside from those, excessive use of sugar on food and drinks can cause the body to gain weight faster. Depending on such unhealthy habits is one of the major reasons why it is hard to lose 10 pounds or even less.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in Three Days

After all those nights of hard partying with your friends, you suddenly find yourself unable to fit on some of your clothes. Late night-outs can really take a toll on the body. What’s worse is when you are expected to attend something important in a matter of days? This can really become a dilemma hard to get out of. Fret not because it is really possible to lose 10 pounds in three days.

Diet or Exercise

Of course the easiest answer to this is both. It is easier for those of you who’ve already established an exercise routine to shed off that extra weight fast. All you have to do is to follow your conventional routine while keeping in mind to follow a strict diet. Furthermore, altering the way you eat can be extremely helpful during those times when you really need to lose weight fast.

The key here is to compromise. If you are used to hard partying or eating whatever you want without taking a glance at the label, get ready to face the challenge of your life. Adapting to a healthy diet is very difficult but with determination you can definitely achieve a slimmer look.

Day 1 Diet

This type of diet consists of eating strictly these types of foods. This isn’t a way of starving yourself but rather a method of improving your diet. Again, it is important not to vary from this diet otherwise you wouldn’t achieve the desired results.

At breakfast during the first day, take one slice of toast and a half of grapefruit. You can partner these with two tablespoons of peanut butter as well as tea or coffee depending on your preference.

As for lunch, you can also drink coffee or tea coupled with half a cup of tuna and a slice of toast. Lastly, your dinner should consist of 3 ounces of any type of meat, a cup of beans and half a banana. You can also add one small apple and a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Day 2 Diet

For the second day’s breakfast, partner your toast with boiled egg and half a banana. On the other hand, take a cup of cottage cheese, though you can substitute this with a slice of cheddar, another hard boiled egg and five pieces of saltine crackers for lunch.

Eat a cup of broccoli and ½ cup of carrots, half a banana and two pieces of hot dogs during dinner but remember not to include the buns. You can still consume one-half cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Day 3 Diet

Your lunch meal for the second day should now be eaten for breakfast. This meal can be partnered with a piece of apple to help you through the day. As for your lunch, take a slice of toast and couple it with a piece of hard boiled egg.

Lastly for dinner, have a cup of tuna as well as half a piece of banana. You can also consume one-half to a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

The most important aspect to remember while undergoing this type of diet is to never eat in between meals. If you feel hunger pangs, all you have to do is to drink a glass of cold water. In addition to this, remember to use only salt and pepper for seasoning and nothing else. This is guaranteed to help you lose ten pounds in three days. This is only intended to last for three days.

Once you achieve your desired results, be sure to continue to eat like you normally do.

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