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Welcome to AP News Organization Associated Person (AP) News. The AP News Organization web-page is regarding National News about Associated Person(s) (AP-CTA) a.k.a. An 'AP' is a person who accepts or solicits (other than clerical work) orders, discretionary accounts or trader participation in a commodity pool or supervises 'persons' engaged in or for a futures commission merchant, introducing broker, registered commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator or merchant.

An Associated Person (AP) is a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) Who Helps Traders Make Money Trading for Profit!

There's over 15-million search results in Google on "AP NEWS" (last time checked). APnews.org is a URL which get substantial and regular internet traffic. Much of its traffic is from people typing-in "APNEWS" plus its trusted dot-org extension. It's valuable and 'free' traffic, adding a lot to value.

trade commodities futures successfullyThere are ways to make profits trading commodities futures markets successfully and with reduced a risk-of-loss which involves a CFTC Registered CTA (aka Commodity Trading Adviser) which is a financial market term defined as a PERSON who directly or indirectly advises investors and traders about buying or selling commodity futures and/or commodities options. Non-direct CTA/AP advising includes providing info via financial sites, media or written communications, including online commodity trading advice over the-web.

For more commodity futures markets trader info you can also visit a CTA website or search for Commodity Futures Trading Advisors who help traders with successful trading or day-trading the futures markets. A CTA can help traders trade the commodity markets with lower risk (comparatively speaking), without direct trading involvement.

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